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See Limited Managing Director looks ahead to 2025

Jayden Whitworth

With 2025 upon us our Managing Director, Daniel McNerney, has been looking ahead and casting his predictions for the upcoming year.

Man sat at a desk, typing on a computer and smiling

Speaking with East Midlands Business Link Magazine, Daniel discussed investment in apprenticeships, biophilic design, and sustainability.

See Limited operate in UK’s built environment industry specialising in the distribution and fabrication of wood veneer and decorative laminate panels. See Limited, along with our distribution arm, Performance Panels, and our fabrication arm, Bousfields, put sustainability at the heart of everything we do.

Daniel said: “Architects and interior designers working in the UK’s built environment industry will also need to commit to incorporating more sustainable practices in their work and creating spaces that mitigate the impacts of climate change, while also improving human wellbeing.

“With so many certifications out there, it will be important for them to identify relevant and accredited documentation routes to pursue in order to meet industry standards.

“Ideally, they should conduct a lifecycle analysis to form an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD).”

To learn more about our sustainability initiatives, please visit our dedicated page here:  

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